CHES is a Box Tops School!

Earn cash for our school with Box Tops! Over the years, Cayuga Heights Elementary School has earned a total of $7,410.75 to support the success of our students. Box Tops add up fast to support our school’s programs, activities, and supplies.

This year, our Box Tops goal is to raise $1000. Help us make every receipt count!

Ready to Start Earning for CHES?

  1. Get the Box Tops App today! In order to earn cash for CHES, you’ll need to use the Box Tops app on your mobile device and choose Cayuga Heights Elementary School for submission.

  2. Buy groceries & scan your receipt. The app automatically identifies Box Tops products on your receipt and earnings are credited to our school online. Even if you’re shopping online or doing grocery pickup, you can submit you digital or email receipt with the Box Tops app and earn. Then, twice a year, our school gets a check!

  3. Refer your friends, family, and other CHES community members to download the app. You’ll earn Bonus Box Tops for our school with each referral that successfully scans their first receipt.

  4. Turn on notifications in your Box Tops app to get scan reminders.


See all participating Box Tops products >

Look for Box Tops on Hundreds of Products! For the most current list of products, visit the Box Tops App.

Thank you!

Let’s give our teachers and students the support they need. Little by little, we can help make a big difference. If you have questions, please contact the CHES PTA at
