Oct. 6th PTA Meeting

Our first PTA meeting of the 2020-21 school year will be on Tuesday, October 6, 2020 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. online via Google Meet at: meet.google.com/egb-wztn-gvf

Agenda for October 6, 2020 CHES PTA Meeting:

Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Time: 5:30-6:30 pm
Location: Google Meetup (online) at: meet.google.com/egb-wztn-gvf 

  1. Welcome and Introductions (Leah Yonker)

  2. Approval of the June 16, 2020 Meeting Minutes (Lindsay Kurz)

  3. Reports of Officers

    1. Treasurer’s Report (Joshua Peluso)

    2. President’s Report (Leah Yonker)

    3. Vice President’s Report (Nora Burrows)

    4. Secretary’s Report (Lindsay Kurz )

    5. Principal’s Report (Lisa Sahasrabudhe)

  4. Membership

  5. Grade Parents (Leah Yonker)

  6. Outdoor Learning Spaces (Liesl Schaper)

  7. Budget (Joshua Peluso)

  8. Teacher Discretionary Fund

  9. Special Projects (Jenn Koslowski/Hickory Lee)

  10. Fundraising Update

  11. Upcoming Events and Activities

  12. General Discussion and Questions