PTA Meeting on Feb. 2, 2021

There will be a PTA meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2021 from 7-8 p.m. online.

Feb. 2, 2021 PTA Meeting Agenda + Supporting Materials PDF

Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Time: 7-8 pm
Location: Google Meetup (online) at:
Join by phone: (US) +1 601-844-2651    PIN: 491 574 549#

  1. Welcome and Introductions (Leah Yonker)

  2. Approval of the Dec. 1, 2020 Meeting Minutes (Lindsay Kurz)

  3. Reports of Officers

    1. Treasurer’s Report (Joshua Peluso)

    2. President’s Report (Leah Yonker)

    3. Vice President’s Report (Nora Burrows)

    4. Secretary’s Report (Lindsay Kurz )

    5. Principal’s Report (Lisa Sahasrabudhe)

  4. PTA Programs (Leah Yonker)

    1. Current programs - Virtual Sundays, Slideshow, Food drive

    2. Upcoming/possible programs - Enrichment, 5k, 5th Grade Yearbook

    3. Additional program ideas

  5. PTA Nominating Committee for VP and Secretary (Leah Yonker)

  6. Mural Project And Black Lives Matter (Lisa Sahasrabudhe)

  7. Fundraising (Leah Yonker)

  8. General Discussion and Questions