Next (virtual) PTA Meeting - THURSDAY, April 20th at 5:30 pM

The next CHES PTA meeting of the school year is Thursday, April 20th from 5:30-6:30 p.m. We will be holding it online via Zoom at: 

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Meeting ID: 988 0930 6834
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We are thankful for the continued engagement in our school community from families, teachers, and community members.  The Agenda with links to Supporting Materials can be found below.  We will be voting on a nominating committee to help form next year's PTA board, as well as providing updates from the PTA board, including regarding the upcoming PTA events and programs like the CHES 5K. We hope to see you there!

Agenda and Supporting Materials

  1. Welcome and Community Connection (15 min.)

  2. Approval of the  February 7, 2023 CHES PTA Meeting Notes (SW)

  3. PTA Board Updates (20 min.)(SW)

    Secretary’s Report (Sarah Wolfolds)

    Treasurer’s Report (Ryan Kehoe)

    President’s Report (Heather Beasley)

    Vice President’s Report (Catherine Blumenkamp)

    Principal’s Report (Lisa Sahasrabudhe)

  4. PTA Events and Business (20 min.) (HB)

    Updates: CHES 5K, Talent Show

    Planning: Teacher Appreciation, Yearbook 

    Business: Appoint and vote on the nominating committee for open board slots 

  5. General Discussion and Questions (5 minutes)(CB)