CHES Community Playground Nights: August 2023

Join us for three CHES Community Playground Nights this August! Co-hosted by CHES and the CHES PTA, our playground nights are open to everyone. Bring your family and get connected before the start of the school year.

  • Wednesday, August 9th from 6:00-7:00pm at CHES Playground

    • Kindergarten Night! Open to all grades. Incoming K students, come meet your classmates and teachers.

  • Wednesday, August 16th from 6:00-7:00pm at West Village Upper Playground

    • Pops with the Principal! Come for a popsicle and meet the new Principal, Aileen Grainger.

    • 5th Grade Night! Open to all grades. Come meet the 5th grade teachers to prepare for a special school event on August 31st. More details to come.

  • Wednesday, August 23rd from 6:00-7:00pm at CHES Playground

    • Pops with the Principal! Come for a popsicle and meet the new Principal, Aileen Grainger.


Playground Nights are a great way for kids to reconnect with their classmates before the start of the school year. We hope to see you there!